Monday, January 28, 2013

Back into the Routine

This semester has started off a little crazy. This will be the first normal week. We had a Project LEAD class on Friday but it was the same time as our FFA show and Rush Day. So between Friday and today teachers should have covered two lessons. 10th & 11th Grade had to determine who the leader was by sending a student out, selecting a leader and have the class follow the leader so the "outsider" could determine who the leader was and 12th grade had to complete sample interview questions. Today was to recap the lessons and add a questioning exercise. Students sat in two rows, knee-to-knee and had one minute to answers questions before they rotated to the next person. I am waiting to get feedback from students and teachers to see how these lessons went.

Between these lessons, students learned about being a leader, follower, how to interview and ask each other questions.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The New Semester

Starting the 2013 semester has been good so far. We have taken a little break from "Life Lessons" to issue students new ID cards and explain how the ID cards are going to work as well as the expectations. Today, we spent Project LEAD completing Match Makers forms. It is a fun activity we do each year to see who students match up with. 

Next week, we have a short week because of a student holiday and a early release but we are going to have a Project LEAD class. This semester to we are going to do more individualized grade level lessons, since we have all the required Internet Safety Curriculum out of the way.

I am still reviewing and collecting data from the end of semester surveys and I hope to be able to report that to the staff soon.