Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Final Project LEADS for the Fall Semester

This is our finals week at school and we are having two Project LEAD classes. The one tomorrow I had originally planned to do a lesson on career choices but because of the recent tragedy in Connecticut I decided to change my lesson to "Courage". I feel that it is important that students understand, "what courage is?" It will be important for teachers to really take the time to have students discuss and identify "heroes". 

On Thursday, students will complete an end-of-semester survey to evaluate how the Project LEAD classes are going and if they have any suggestions. Until 2013 and implementing our student id program.   

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Digital Identity

Monday was the last part of internet safety lessons. I had the students discuss how what the post on any social medias can affect their chances for college or future jobs. I had a video for them to review but because of the weather we were without power so all the classes had discussions. I think it worked out better. I had the opportunity to sit in on a senior class to listen to what they had to say. I could honestly see they understood the importance of their decisions. I could definitely see a mature level difference in them compared to their answers at the beginning of the year. Next week is the last week of the semester and the Project LEAD classes will meet twice. I am looking at doing a career choice lesson and an end-of-the-semester survey. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

December 3, 2012-Project LEAD

Monday's Project LEAD lesson was part 4 of 5 of the Internet Safety Lessons. This week we covered Internet Safety and Privacy. Students and teachers both learned what "cookies" were and what kind of information websites are collecting and if students really want to share their information with just anyone. Students also learned that websites should have a "Privacy Policy" and where they can find that. In talking with students, several of them didn't know what cookies were and what they do. Hopefully, they will be a little more cautious in the future. I even had a few teachers tell me they learned something new, so that is always a good thing. Next week, the last of Internet Safety, so stay tuned.