Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week 3

Yesterday was week 3 in our Project LEAD program. Students completed a survey on test taking responsibilities. I wanted to see what students felt they were responsible for and what they felt the teachers are responsible for.  I also provided students with a handout on test taking strategies, which include before the test, taking the test and after the test is completed. In talking with some students they liked the survey but the strategies they found boring. In future lessons I need to think of a different way to present strategies.
Next week is an exam week, so there will not be a Project LEAD class but hopefully that will give me the chance to prepare the next few activities.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week 2

Yesterday we completed our 2nd week of Project LEAD with our students. This week we had a variety of lessons instead of all the grade levels doing the same thing. The 9th grade received planners and shown by our Ambassadors how to use them effectively. The 10th-12th grade students did different activities on Time Management. We wanted them to evaluate how they spend their time during a day. We had them break down sleeping, eating, studying, etc. then how could they manage their time better.

In talking with some students they felt it was effective because they didn't realize how much they were wasting. So, hopefully this will be the first step in managing their time better.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 1

In getting ready for Week 1 of my Action Research I am still making adjustments. Program LEAD is now Project LEAD. I have all the teachers and students assigned to classrooms, so everyone has a place to go. We completed our first lesson yesterday. I called it "Linking Our Successes" and we created a paper chain for the school. We wanted to help students understand that every individual at HHS is an essential piece of the puzzle. I had every student and teacher write their name and two qualities they have to offer our school to become successful on their own link. I also gave them the options to decorate. Every advisory class created the paper chain then I had a member from each class come down to join our links together. At first the students were not to sure about completing this activity but they were very surprised and happy when they saw the finished project. I will be adding pictures soon.